Courses byTECSA at Ordine Ingegneri of Brescia – 28/29 October 2019

Luca Fiorentini, executive director of TECSA, will be a lecturer at the cycle of 3 courses organised by the Fire Prevention Safety Commission of the Order of Engineers of the province of Brescia, entitled: “Fire risk identification and assessment. Analysis of the protective barriers as a tool for investigating and managing risk over time in civil and industrial context”.

The cycle is structured in three distinct training phases:

  • Monday 28 October 2019, 8.45 am – 1.00 pm (basic course);
  • Monday 28 October 2019, 2.15 pm – 6.30 pm (civil buildings);
  • Tuesday 29 October 2019, 8.45 am – 1.00 pm (industrial settlements.

The courses will be held at the Order of Engineers of the province of Brescia, Via Cefalonia n. 70, Brescia.

The courses, which give n. 4 CFP each, are compliant with art. 7 of the D.M. 05/08/2011, aimed at maintaining the registration of professionals in the lists of the Ministry of the Interior pursuant to Legislative Decree 139/2006.

For more information, please see the event poster available at this link.