La valutazione dei rischi di incendio

The publication introduces, the only text in the Italian technical publishing scene: international reference norms and standards, methods and techniques of analysis, methods for defining fire prevention strategy, techniques for risk management over time, case studies and application examples. In the attached cd rom the F.R.A.M.E. software. (Fire Risk Assessment Method for Engineering) translated into Italian and accompanied by 76 complete examples.

The aim of the work is to disseminate analysis techniques to estimate the fire risk associated with production, industrial and civil activities or, also as part of a fire safety performance approach (‘FSE’) to identify the fire scenarios to be subjected to a deterministic analysis.

Subject to illustration of the Italian regulatory body of reference are provided:

  • an overview of the most widespread definitions, standards and methods of analysis, evaluation, fire risk management at international level;
  • the key concepts of the fire phenomenon and heat transmission that the analyst is called to know in order to better identify the incidental sequences associated with fire hazards;
  • a series of case studies developed according to different recognised and current methods of analysis.

The CD-ROM attached to the book contains the F.R.A.M.E. Fire Risk Assessment Method for Engineering, by Prof. E. De Smet (Belgium), already used in more than 70 countries, translated into Italian and accompanied by 76 complete examples.

The work contains the authorized and unpublished translation of international standards and publications NFPA, SFPE, ASTM, HSE, VTT, BSI, ELSEVIER. There are also significant professional contributions by Mr. Salvatore Tafaro and Mr. Vincenzo Puccia of the Fire Brigade and preface by Raffaele Guariniello (magistrate), Morgan Hurley (SFPE director), David Yung (international expert), Stefano Converso (University of Roma Tre).

Author: Luca Fiorentini