MFCforensic at the 1st Fire Safety Investigation course by FOIT

The Fondazione Ordine Ingegneri della Provincia di Torino (FOIT) has organized the first Fire Safety Investigation course, that will be held from June 12th 2019 to July 17th 2019 in Via Giovanni Giolitti 1, Turin.

Luca Fiorentini, executive director of TECSA, and Luca Marmo, professor of Safety in the industrial processes at the Polytechnic University of Turin, both founders of MFCforensic, the forensic engineering division of TECSA, are among the teachers of the course.

In particular, the lecture by Luca Marmo will be held on June 12th and will deal with the chemical aspects of combustion, the classification of fires and the semiotic analysis of the fire. Luca Fiorentini will follow immediately after with his first lesson, which will provide an introduction to Fire Investigation. A further lesson by Luca Fiorentini on July 17th will be dedicated to practical applications with DNV Phast and INCONTROL Pedestrian Dynamics.

More information is available via this link.