NATECH course for ARPAV, VVF and INAIL inspectors

Luca Fiorentini, Director of TECSA Srl, intervened as a lecturer at the course, organized by ARPAV, entitled “NATECH (Natural Hazard Triggering Technological Disasters)” with an intervention concerning the application, with an illustration of practical cases, of an analysis multilevel seismic systems for industrial plants within the establishments at risk of major accidents in compliance with the requirements of Legislative Decree 105/2015 (Seveso III).

The teaching unit is a course on NaTech events conducted at the ARPAV on 22 February 2018 and which has also seen Professors as Prof. Maschio, Prof. Chiaia (founder of the MFCforensic division of TECSA Srl) and Prof. Cozzani ; experts recognized at the supranational level of industrial risk analysis and technological events determined by severe natural events.

Course objectives: identification of the minimum contents of the risk analysis. Consolidation by ARPAV technical experts of the knowledge of the main models for the simulation of the effects of accident scenarios. Addressees: inspectors Safety Management System and instructors ARPAV Safety Report. The course was also open to fire brigade and INAIL personnel with the same skills.

The course poster is available for download here.