The Italian Association of Fire-Fighting Engineering (AIIA), the official Italian chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE), will organize for the next 7 April 2016, at the Politecnico of Milan, the XVI National Conference.
The theme of the conference is “Fire Safety Engineering”, of which SFPE has been a forerunner in the world and of which many AIIA members are actively involved.
The title of the conference is: “The methods of fire safety engineering in the light of the 2015 fire prevention code“.
Download here the program and the registration form to the conference.
TECSA S.r.l. will be present with a memory entitled: “Fire engineering methods to support forensic engineering and analysis of accidents occurred: a further investigation tool” authors L. Fiorentini (TECSA Srl), L. Marmo, B. Chiaia (Polytechnic University of Turin) and V. Puccia (Vigili del Fuoco).
Available from today (11 April 2016) the slides used in the intervention (download).