online course / Fire Prevention
in programming
Language: Italian

The course, lasting a total of 16 hours, intends to provide a series of insights into the assessment activities, including integrated ones, of the risk of fire and explosion.


The course is divided into two complementary sessions, lasting 8 hours each and oriented to the two phenomena.

It shows how the assessment of the risk of fire and explosion constitutes a cornerstone of the fire-fighting strategy both in the civil and industrial fields and how this activity cannot be separated from an adequate knowledge of the reference phenomena.
In particular, the close relationship between the two reference phenomena is highlighted, also through the use of the results of the studies conducted in the field of forensic activities, in complete compliance with the most recent regulatory provisions that require the assessment of fire and explosion, hoping for a organic treatment and a logical recomposition aimed at overcoming typical and frequent dystonias and inconsistencies.

The course explores different methods of fire and explosion risk analysis, highlighting the approaches necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements of the reference regulatory bodies and with the main internationally recognized standards in the field of risk management, definition of the strategy fire prevention and guarantee of safety over time.

Simplified and expeditious methods are presented, as well as quantitative approaches used both for the description of the phenomenon and for the identification of independent protection levels and the estimation of their availability upon request, including active fire protection systems.


The cost is Euro 650.00 including VAT for each study session (fire / explosion) with a total cost (fire + explosion) of Euro 1040.00. (Euro 900.00 VAT included in case of registration by …). The cost includes slides, articles and two unpublished volumes. Please refer to the flyer for more information about the event.