Advice on health and safety in the workplace

The consultancy activity in the field of health and safety at work has increased overall over the years to the point of becoming a reference sector for the entire Tecsa S.r.l. business for all those customers who wish to have a single interlocutor who can deal with the aspects of health and safety at work as well as process and environmental safety etc. with a coherent and integrated approach.

In addition to traditional services, Tecsa S.r.l.’s pool of technicians offers a series of specialist services, possibly supported by instrumental measurements including:

  • Risk assessment of physical agents: noise, vibration, microclimate and thermal stress, non-ionising radiation and electromagnetic fields;
  • biomechanical overload risk assessment (ISO 11228);
  • analysis of the ‘implantation’ risk in the hospital environment;
  • risk assessment of exposure to antiblastics (Title IX of Legislative Decree 81/2008);
  • Checking the indoor air quality;
  • asbestos risk management (Law 257/92, Ministerial Decree 6/9/94 and Legislative Decree 81/2008).