Security services at temporary and mobile construction sites

TECSA S.r.l. has been actively involved in safety at temporary and mobile construction sites since the entry into force of the previous legislation (Legislative Decree 494/1996).

Among these activities it is possible to mention:

  • Drafting of the Safety and Coordination Plan with an estimate of safety costs, during the design and execution stages, pursuant to s. 100 of LD 81/08, with the contents specified in Annex XV of LD 81/08;
  • Drafting of the Technical File, at the planning and execution stage, pursuant to s. 100 of LD 81/08, with the contents specified in Annex XVI of LD 81/08;
  • Drafting of Security Operating Plans pursuant to s. 89 of LD 81/08, with the minimum contents laid down in Annex XV, item 3 of LD 81/08;
  • Elaboration and updating of the Risk Assessment Document (DVR);
  • Inspections and assistance for site safety management;
  • Assistance in case of inspections by control bodies;
  • Development and implementation of operating instructions and company procedures for the integrated Quality Safety Environmental Management System with reference to ISO 9001, BS OHSAS 18001 | ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 (see specific page for activities relating to management systems).


For several years now, since the appearance of BIM tools for engineering and architecture, TECSA has been experimenting with the use of these technologies for large industrial sites as a support tool for safety analysis. In particular also through 4D CAD tools (combining the 3D model at the time) to analyse the risk of interference through ‘location based scheduling’ techniques, by means of specially customised tools.

These activities complete and integrate the civil engineering and architectural services offered by TECSA S.r.l. at the service of the entire building process and the forensic engineering services in case of accidents and injuries.